
「第二次大戦終結間近の1945年に、日本の皇后が国際赤十字委員会基金へ1000万スイスフランを寄付した」という不可解な記録がイギリスのKew GardensにあるNational Archivesにあるという情報をネットで目にし、実際に調査に行ってきました。




























National Archives (Kew Gardens) FO371/46486 closed until 1996

National Archives (Kew Gardens)


closed until 1996


References F7744/4916/23


Japanese Donation to International Red Cross Commitee


Reports Japanese proposal for the Japanese Empress to make a large donation to I.R.C.C. funds. Does not think it would be worth while (to) discourage acceptance of any such donations. (It) gives reasons for this.


15 JUN 1945




1    The Japanese Minister at Berne has telegraphed to his Government in connexion with the Buchenwald atrocities to say that there is a propagandist tendency to tar the Germans and Japanese with the same brush. He accordingly thinks it would be a good idea, seeing that he has more funds than he can use in Europe, for the Empress of Japan to make a really large donation to I.R.C.C. funds to show Japanese humanitarian principles. He mentions a figure of 10,000,000 Swiss Francs or nearly £600,000.


2    Far Eastern Department are inclined to think that if K.W.Dept. have any influence with the I.R.C.C. we should encourage them to refuse to accept tainted gold in view of the Japanese record towards allied prisoners, but ask for our views.


3   It seems to me unlikely that the Japanese Legation in Berne will consult the I.R.C.C. informally before offering the donation and once it is formally offered it would be looked on as a terrible insult for the I.R.C.C. to refuse a gift from the Empress and it would be an end of the I.R.C.C.'s usefulness in the Far East.


4   It is after all our own money that the Japanese will offer to the I.R.C.C. extracted from us by their artificial rates of exchange (,) and if it will benefit our prisoners (,) I see no reason why the I.R.C.C. should not use it. It represents roughly what we pay over once a month.


5   It would be open to us to make some damaging comment after the gift has been made if it is considered politic to do so.


May 28th, 1945.